Starting the Year Right with your Little Ones
2256 day ago
Now that the parties and celebrations are over, we’re back to our normal lives. People usually get bored once the holidays are over since it’s time to go back to school and work.. Fortunately, you can keep the excitement going by starting the year right. Plan something fun for 2019, accept challenges, and most importantly, find ways to spend more time together as a family. Here’s how to start the year right and make 2019 more meaningful as a family:

Looking Back at 2018
Review the Previous Year
Before moving forward, the first step you have to take is to know where you’ve been and what you’ve achieved. This is the main objective before you move forward with your goals for 2019.It will help you know which things you should work on. Review the last year with your little ones; think of the things that you were able to achieve and write them down. On another list, write the things you weren’t able to work on. Seeing and visualizing what you’ve achieved can help make specific changes in your life easier since you will see what you need to keep or change.

Aim for your Dreams
Dream and Make these Dreams Come True
Scan some photos, old magazines, and newspapers, prepare some art materials and an illustration board for everyone. Once that’s done, ask your children some questions such as what they want to try doing this year, where they want to go, and what they want to achieve. Allow them to dream and to make their own dream board by cutting out photos or drawing images. Hang this in their rooms so the dream boards can serve as their inspiration to remind them of their plans throughout the year.

Welcome the Changes
Welcome and Fully Embrace Changes
What beats failures is another try. Basically, this means that you will never know what you can do unless you dare to try something new and step out of your comfort zone. This year, encourage your little ones to face their fears so they can welcome changes and make new opportunities in life. If there’s anything that you’ve always wanted to do, why not try it this year? This may be scary but everything will be worth it. Also, it will be much better if you and your family will support each other when it comes to these things.

Little Boy Climbing
Challenge Yourselves
Now, look at the list of the things that you haven’t achieved last year. Why not take these seriously now and work on each goal? Make these happen this year by breaking each of the goals down into achievable ones. Do you want to be healthier? Instead of having this vague ambition, achieve small daily tasks such as having a cup of fruit after every meal and sleeping earlier than usual.
Does your child want to join a dance competition? Help him or her achieve this by allotting some time for practice. When these small goals are reached, give yourselves a reward. Hand out medals and trophies or have a break and spend some time together. Eventually, you’ll see the overall results of these small challenges. Once these are achieved, you can finally move on to the next challenge.
Always keep in mind and remind your children that goals aren’t achieved in one try, so don’t be frustrated if you don’t succeed in your resolutions right away. Do not expect instant results; instead, support each other because this is essential when it comes to reaching and achieving your dreams.

Mother & Child Quality Time
Strengthen your Relationships
Our relationships with people play a big role in our lives since these affect our emotional state. We need relationships with our family, friends, and loved ones to stay strong so start this year by focusing on your relationships. Give more time to the important people in your life and enjoy each other’s company more often. Relationships with family and peers have positive impacts in our lives so make things right this year.

Having Fun with the Family
Go Outdoors More Often
This year, make a commitment to spend more time with your children by enjoying the outdoor environment. This can be camping, biking, hiking, or simply playing in your backyard. Remember that a huge part of every person’s memorable childhood moments is spent outdoors. Also, it’s a great way to bond and strengthen your relationships with your family.

Whistlecopter Blister Pack
Make quality time more fun by playing with the Whistlecopter. This amazing toy can fly as high as 200 feet and it will not flap in the air like copies or knock offs do. Instead, it will whistle all the way up and float down to you after hovering in the air. It is made from high-quality plastic that is thick, making it durable and safe. Each package includes one Whistlecopter with folded wings, a 7-inch red rubber band, and the exclusive Viper Launcher. It also has the PATENT which shows it is original and is a safe, durable, and authentic toy from Whistlecopter.
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