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Some Things to Consider Before Giving Your Child a Smartphone

623 day ago

If you noticed, children today are tech-savvy especially when it comes to the latest electronic gadgets, and even the youngest ones know how to use these devices better than some adults. A lot of children these days easily use gadgets and in fact, it can be very surprising at times to see the youth’s exposure to technology. Electronic devices have not only become a learning material for the little ones but these have also become their source of entertainment throughout the years – this is most likely why children want their own smartphones at very young ages. However, do you know how to respond to a child who would often nag and ask you for a phone? Do you think your child is ready enough to own one?

Although there are numerous disadvantages, allowing your child to have their own smartphone can still be great because this can easily help you keep in touch or immediately contact your child in case of an emergency; plus, you can also use it as a tracking device to determine his or her location. However, before giving your child a smartphone, you will first have to consider a few important things.

Below are a few things you must consider before allowing your children to have their own phones:

Their Readiness to Have a Phone

While there is no specific age requirement for mobile phones, there are still recommended ages for children when it comes to owning their own mobile phones. Experts recommend that your child at least reaches preschool before they own a phone, and this also depends on the amount of supervision you give him or her. If you give them a lot of guidance, then they can have their own smartphones by preschool; if they only have a little supervision, it is recommended that you give them their own phones by the age of eleven. Additionally, you should also think thoroughly if they really need a smartphone and if they are responsible enough to take care of one.

The Type of Smartphone You Will Give Them

When you daughter or son asks you for a phone, he or she might ask you to give them a specific unit; however, it is best to do a thorough research and see which device is the best for your child. Consider those with built-in parental controls such as “Kids Mode” in Samsung Galaxy phones and “Restrictions” in iPhone.

The Expenses

When choosing a phone for your child, get different price plans from your mobile provider; some offers cover multiple SIMs which means that everyone in the family can have their own devices which will allow you to control each other’s data allowance. Before giving your child a phone, discuss with him or her the rules on the amount of time he or she is allowed to use the phone since premium rate services and using the device more often can add up to the costs. One way to reduce your child’s phone expenses is to encourage them to engage in various activities such as playing with the amazing Whistlecopter toys outdoors. Letting them play with the amazing LED Copter, or Original Copter will effectively distract them from using their phones excessively.

Your Child’s Safety and Security

For any child, having a smartphone and handling social media accounts is a huge responsibility. Younger people also tend to be less worried about keeping things private compared to adults and this is why it is highly necessary to provide supervision and to discuss certain things with your children regarding privacy and safety. Before giving them their own phones, be sure to explain the possible risks of having a phone such as cyber-bullying and online grooming; also, make them aware of spammers that acquire information from people by sending phishing emails, so advise them to not input any vital information online.

The Right Amount of Screen Time

Your child’s amount of screen time is a choice that is up to the family to decide. However, it is best to promote a healthy balance for various activities such as going outdoors and socializing in real life. Research shows that parents can provide the proper and sufficient support that children need; while smartphones are great devices to utilize for entertainment and learning, it is still necessary to limit their screen time so they will not get used to being on their phones for the entire time. Take some time away from your devices and spend quality time together as a family without getting distracted from emails and social media notifications. Before giving your children their own smartphones, consider the entire family’s behavior when it comes to handling electronic gadgets since it is not only the young ones who are becoming addicted to these. Technology often takes over the entire family system recently and as a parent, you must also be aware of your tech behavior – consider the norms you want to create for your children and be a good role model to them.

To prevent your children from having cellphone addiction, allot some time for the whole family to play outdoors and make things more fun with the awesome Whistlecopter toys. Choose from the LED Copter to have fun, memorable times with the family.

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