Whistlecopter® is embodied in US Patent No 9279646
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Ten Ultimate Sling Shot Alien Rocket Whistle COPTER With Eight Inch Rubber Band $30

3721 day ago
whistlecopter maxi slingshot toySlingshot Whistle Copter03252019 wings  ProductNEW WHISTLECOPTER PICS battery  amazon


Product Description

Are you ready to have fun with our ultimate 10 Maxi sling-shot Alien Rocket Whistle Copter in assorted colors? Your ten Maxi sling shot Whistle copters will also have differently designed wings for different looks coming down from the sky ! Only Whistle Copter has differently designed wings for each copter ! Easy to Launch with the MAXI SLING SHOT and 8 inch rubber band !Highest flights! Fun for the entire family for all ages 4 and older. Alien rocket Whistle Copters are great for  parties, parks, festivals, beaches. You have probably seen them at parks or in festival or on a beach. We are not a copy or some knock off so our Alien Rocket Whistle Copter will be the best. Whistlecopter is embodied in US Patent No 9279646 . They are very easy to launch with the Maxi sling shot for the inexperienced Whistle Copter enthusiast as well as the expert. Made with high quality materials and the best rubber bands to assure you value for your money . You may want to give this micro helicopter to your dear ones.

Each Maxi Sling-shot Alien Rocket Whistle Copter is in a single package with instructions! Each Maxi sling shot has an 8 inch rubber band. No fatigued fingers when shooting with the ultimate Maxi sling-shot. Very easy to launch over 100-200 feet in the air the first time you try it. Don’t forget to buy extra battery packs for the unbelievable price of .50 each battery pack!! Maybe you would like to be a vendor or just buy them for your self!! If you want to be a vendor call 305-785-4048.

Read the features below: 

  •  Low price
  •  Easy to carry
  •  Easy to operate with sling shot system
  •  Looks beautiful in the dark nights
  •  Can be reused
  •  Low prices on additional battery packs
  •  Attain instant height in microseconds
  •  Made with high quality plastic material

How it works:

Launch the Whistle Copter  into the air with the Maxi Sling shot when it reaches the maximum height it will spin back to you so you can catch it with its blades open. Read the instruction manual available with the package carefully before starting your first launch.

Whistle Copter

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