Protecting your Child from Sleep Deprivation
2114 day agoToday, a lot of children lack sleep, and one common cause is sleeping disorders. Besides this, there are other possible reasons for lack of sleep such as hectic schedules, or spending too much time using their gadgets. Instead of getting the sufficient amount of rest they need, they stay up for hours and miss out on sleep. This scenario is common in most households these days: children browse social media or play games, and then complain about their inability to sleep.
Over time, continuous lack of sleep can result in a sleep debt or sleep deficit. Anyone with a sleep deficit suffers from difficulty in focusing and studying or working effectively. They can also have serious emotional problems such as depression. Parents are usually unaware of the fact that the radiation mobile phones emit could disrupt children’s bedtime. Aside from sleep deprivation, using mobile phones in bed can result in serious headaches. In fact, there are some dangers of using smartphones at bedtime, which is why parents must be aware that sleep deprivation causes a variety of diseases. Plus, it also negatively affects children’s cognitive skills, attention span, as well as stress levels in the long run. Here are effective ways to protect your little ones and teens from sleep deprivation:

Using Gadgets Instead of Sleeping
Control the Use of Gadgets Before Bedtime
Most children and teens today spend time on their phones or gaming devices, which is usually an hour before their bedtime. In fact, this is one of the top causes of sleep deficiency which leads to depression. If your children say that they feel relaxed by playing a quick game or checking their social media accounts, you can allow them to do so, but limit their time and keep track of how long they will use these. Always take precautions to maintain your child’s healthy sleeping routine. When given the freedom, children tend to abuse it since they think they can do whatever they want. Stick to a schedule and download a mobile application to prevent your children from using their phones during specific times of the day.

Non-Stop Computer Use
Prioritize Sleep and Let them Know its Importance
Let your children know that even if they are getting good academic mark, their health and overall well-being is still top priority. Discourage late night cramming and help them have a regular schedule for homework and studying. Also, take time to educate them on how essential sleep is for one’s health. Challenge them to research on the benefits of having adequate sleep for the mind and body, and then set aside some time to further discuss what they have learned. Remind them that having enough sleep is what’s best for their health, well-being, and their happiness.

Setting a Schedule for Gadget Use
Stick to a Schedule
When you set a schedule for your children, see to it that they accomplish everything so they can sleep at the same time every day. Don’t wait beyond bedtime because it will be more challenging for them to fall asleep. Keeping a regular routine will help them feel more comfortable and secure. Plus, it will also help them have a better sleeping routine. If your children aren’t sleepy, encourage them to do low-key activities that will help them induce sleepiness. This can be reading a book or writing in a journal before going to bed. Also, make the room a comfortable sleeping environment. Be sure that it’s quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. Make sure that the lights in the room aren’t too bright since this disrupts their sleep.

Having a Healthy Lifestyle
Make Changes in their Lifestyle
Doctors recommend making lifestyle changes for those who have problems sleeping. Some of the things that can be done include switching off all gadgets before bedtime, reducing caffeine intake such as soda, and being more active during the day to promote better sleeping habits.

The Whistlecopter Toys
When it comes to having an active lifestyle, it’s best to go outdoors and play with the Whistlecopter. This is how a lot of families enjoy their time together after a long day. This is one of the coolest toys in the market. It can reach a maximum height of 250 feet when launched. It also looks like UFO’s and fireworks in the sky due to its absolutely bright Led lights. Each Whistlecopter is individually packaged with its own pair of Super Glow Wings, a 7-inch red rubber band, and the exclusive Viper Launcher. The wings also have unique designs so these will look stunning when a lot of Whistlecopter toys are hovering in the sky. For proper handling of the toy, there is also an instruction card.
The Whistlecopter is made from high-quality materials which make it durable and safe for children to use. Because of that, it will not flap in the air unlike knock-offs that easily break. Instead, it will spin down to you like a boomerang after hovering in the air. When you catch the Whistlecopter, you can launch it once again. Moreover, it has a PATENT and Trademark to prove its authenticity.
Click on the Photo to Watch the Professional Wing Folding Video!
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