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Preparing your Kids to Handle Emergency Situations

3327 day ago

We never know when emergency situations may occur since these happen in a snap and without any warning; these types of events can be troublesome and even frightening for adults yet highly traumatic and alarming for kids, especially if they don’t really know what to do.

As adults, you will be required to handle and face the emergency situation in ways that will aid the children from developing trauma and even a sense of loss. It is crucial to give these youngsters some guidance which will help them lessen their fears and be more attentive or alert during such situations.


  • Help the Kids Understand the Situation

The first thing to do in any emergency situation is to teach and explain to your kids what exactly is happening and thoroughly explain to them how the situation should be handled. Ensure that they know who to contact in times like these such as teaching them to contact 911 for help; if your children are really young, make sure that they also know how to use the phone.

Little boy talking on the phonephoto courtesy of wisconsinearlychildhood.com


Another important thing is to explain to your kids the difference between a problem and a real emergency since they tend to get confused easily, especially if your kids are really young.


  • Take Action

You should also teach your kids basic first aid; they should at least know how to apply bandages while older children can be taught how to do CPR, as well as other basic first aid processes. You can start teaching your kids CPR when they are ten years of age or older since this is the time when they can better comprehend and remember such things, plus they can perform it more successfully as well.

maxresdefaultphoto courtesy of i.ytimg.com


  • Catch their Attention and Be Rescued

Remember that creating sounds and any type of noise is the best way to prevent crime, as well as to find lost victims during accidents and emergencies. When someone gets into an accident and ends up injured, cold, tired and lost, shouting continuously to get help can leave you even more exhausted in just a short span of time.


Having toys that make noises can be of great help in such situations, so if kids have their Whistle copter toys with them and are found in emergencies like this, they can easily use their toy to attract the attention of people nearby and will eventually get the necessary help needed to get out of the situation.

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