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Boy Doing his Homework

Keeping Busy Children Active

2364 day ago

We all know that having an active lifestyle should be one of the things we should prioritize. This will keep everyone in the family healthy. However, staying healthy and physically active can be difficult at times. This is especially true with children since it gets more challenging once they go to school. Also, they have less time to spend on other activities such as exercise. Beside the busy schedule, some changes in interests often occur among school-age children. Not all of them will be athletic and also, their commitment and preferences may be affected by various factors. This makes promoting an active lifestyle trickier, which is why it’s essential to find the right activities to keep your children active. Even if schedules are getting hectic during school years, ensure that your children get a few hours of exercise each week.


Just like every child, your little ones are probably very busy with school, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be deprived of physical activity. Here are some tips to keep your busy children active:


Dancing Girl

Dancing Girl


Have an Active TV Time


We usually limit television to promote physical activity; however, there are still interactive programs that encourage them to do dance or exercise routines. This is one great way to avoid the couch potato syndrome. If your little ones want to watch something else, make a deal by letting them earn their program time with age-appropriate exercises that they can perform during commercials.


Little Boy Mopping

Little Boy Mopping


Designate Chores


Some household chores that involve additional movement may promote physical activity. Examples of these include sweeping, mopping, polishing the floor, raking leaves, and more. Designate these tasks to children who are less active and those who are not engaged in sports. This is one way for them to get some exercise and increase their heart rates.


Stretching Exercises

Stretching Exercises


Take Breaks from Homework


Sitting and working on a computer or reading and writing for long hours can also make you as tired as working out for extended periods. Aside from encouraging your children to care for their eyes by looking away from the screen after every 20 minutes, let them get up and move around or do some stretching exercises at least once every hour. Remember, having a break is also necessary since this helps refresh one’s mind after long hours of work.


Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter


Be a Good Example


Of course, being a good example is one of the most important steps when you instill habits in children. When it comes to having a healthy lifestyle, this becomes more natural for children when they see you practicing what you preach. As a parent, you definitely have a busy schedule and you may have little to no time for exercise. You can make little changes by parking your car a little distance from your destination and walk to it instead. Also, make sure that your children know why you’re doing this so they can eventually make healthy and active choices as well.


Fun Time

Fun Time


Keep All Activities Fun & Engaging


Children won’t be involved in activities that they don’t enjoy. On the other hand, if they are having fun, they will actively engage in the task. Keep things fun during playtime and exercises to increase their motivation. Besides that, praise them and show appreciation when they practice a skill – this makes your little ones feel better and accomplished. Even if they are busy, they will find ways to make time for physical activities if they have fun doing them.


Walking with the Family

Walking with the Family


Have an Active Family Time


Just like exercising regularly, allotting time to spend with the family can also be a challenge. Make family mealtime a priority, try to have family walks as well. Go for a stroll through the neighborhood after mealtime to prevent post-meal sluggishness. This is also a great chance for you to spend more time with each other.


Outdoor Playtime

Outdoor Playtime


Prioritize Outdoor Time


When the weather is fine, make sure that your little ones get to spend some time outdoors. Yes, studies are important but you should make it a point that they get enough fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun. Encouraging your children to play with the Whistlecopter toys will definitely make things more fun.


Whistlecopter Throwing Glider Airplane

Whistlecopter Throwing Glider Airplane


The Throwing Glider Airplane is a cool toy for both children and teenagers. It features three LED lights, and all you have to do is push the black circular button to switch it on. Pressing this once will set the LED lights to medium strobe and pushing the button again will set these to fast strobe. When you purchase this toy, it comes with two additional 2032 batteries that are brand-new. To replace the batteries, all you have to do is lift the tape with tweezers, then bend one side so you can pull out the old battery and replace it. The Throwing Airplane Glider also comes in colors blue, pink, and orange. It measures 19 by 19 inches and sells for $6.99 including the shipping fees.


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