How to Help your Kids Handle Peer Pressure
3294 day agoAs your children get older, peer pressure will slowly sneak into their lives and it can get in the way of how effective and efficient they will be in school. You should keep in mind that by the time your kids reach seven years, they will most likely begin caring more about what others think and what they will say about them; this will eventually make them care less about what their parents and other family members would say.
Keep in mind that kids who aim for the approval of their peers to become more famous will often engage in risky actions such as shoplifting, cheating in class, taking drugs, tagging, consuming alcohol, and even sex – all which can bring them down in a short span of time which may eventually take them away from focusing on improving themselves.
Here are some of the best ways to help your kids handle peer pressure while also keeping things right:
- Stay Involved in their Life
Take some time off of work and spend time with your children; know more about what his or her favorite activities are, their likes and dislikes while also sharing yours with them. Know who their circle of friends are and when they go places with them, know their destination just so you can keep track if whether things are safe for them or not. Inform your kids that you are not being nosy; explain to them that you simply wish to know their whereabouts so you will be able to reach them in case of emergencies.
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- Boost their Self-Esteem
Remember that kids who are confident are less likely to engage in risky actions due to peer pressure. Help your kids feel good about themselves and their preferences or choices by constantly allowing them to freely share about their likes and dislikes, opinions, and ideas with you. Listen to them without judgment and understand their point, doing so will not only boost their self-esteem but they will also listen more to you since they can see that you are giving them a chance to voice out their inner thoughts and ideas.
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- Start Great Communication and Spend Quality Time with them
Oftentimes, kids who are close to their parents are usually able to resist any of the temptations caused by peer pressure, so it’s best to have regular and daily conversations with them about their day, then take cues from their words to see if they are having problems or concerns which you can help them with.
Once evening comes, and after everyone in the family has done with all their work, you can all go out in the yard and have fun with the Original Copter toys while having a fun time while also communicating freely with each other. Not only will you strengthen the bond between you and your children but you will also be able to spend some quality time with them.
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