Whistlecopter® is embodied in US Patent No 9279646
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Christmas cookies

Fun Facts about Christmas

3028 day ago

Christmas is one of the seasons that we all look forward to since it is a great occasion for us to spend time together as a family. We also get excited over Christmas because of the many traditions present such as carving ham, gift giving, leaving milk and cookies for Read more...

Fascinating facts about hannukah

Fascinating Facts about Hannukah

3028 day ago

Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights is one of the celebrated occasions around the world which lasts for eight continuous days and nights. this occasion is to commemorate the victory of the Israelites (Maccabees) over Antiochus who was known as a Greek-Syrian ruler 2200 years ago. Hanukkah is also often Read more...

Healthy Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes

Favorite Thanksgiving Desserts

3034 day ago

The turkey may seem like Thanksgiving Day’s star, however, most people are after the sweets. No matter how full and satisfied your guests get after the main course, they will always make room for the tasty desserts you will be serving. End your Thanksgiving feast with some of the most Read more...

Fun Things to do on thanks giving day

Fun Things to Do on Thanksgiving Day

3034 day ago

Thanksgiving is not just the time for you to indulge in homemade food while watching football, but it is a food, family, and friends holiday where you can all get together to create more great memories with your loved ones. Whether it’s a grand Thanksgiving party with a lot of Read more...

Silhouette, group of happy children playing on meadow, sunset, s

Skill Enhancer: Light Up Copter, Sling Copter, Rocketcopter

3042 day ago

Aside from having fun, there are a lot of benefits that children get from playing; some of these include relieving stress, developing physical and mental skills, as well as improving relationships and connections with people. Playing is one of the most important things that every child should experience to help Read more...

family playing ball outside

The Many Uses of the Original Copter

3042 day ago

The Original Copter is a very fun and entertaining toy plus it is also considered to be one of the best micro-flying copter toys available. There are a lot of similar copters out in the market but they cannot compare with the durability and quality of the Original Copters. These Read more...

Three generations of Black women cooking in kitchen

Thanksgiving Facts for Children

3043 day ago

On the 4th Thursday of November, families in the United States celebrate the special day of Thanksgiving and gather to enjoy a nice drink, feast on turkey and other delicious meals, and even watch football. This is one of the most special occasions in the country and is celebrated to Read more...

tips keeping sanity thanksgiving

Tips to Prepare for Thanksgiving

3043 day ago

Preparing for Thanksgiving is a big and tedious task. It’s already less than two weeks before the day and it may seem like there’s a lot of time to prepare. however, it will be a lot more helpful and convenient if you get some things done in advance. If you Read more...

happy kids nature autumn leaves

Interesting Autumn Facts for Children

3099 day ago

The temperature is changing and we can already feel the crisp, cool days of fall approaching; during the season, you will get the chance to engage in a lot of activities since the season brings numerous activities and events for everyone to take part in. Whether you plan to visit Read more...

learn from toys

Skills Children Need to Learn for the Future

3099 day ago

Generally speaking, children are not really being prepared well for the future if you check on today’s school system. Since this is the case, you should find ways on how to prepare your children for the unpredictable world; you can start off by teaching them how to adapt and deal Read more...

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