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Happy Family

Creating a Positive Atmosphere at Home

2502 day ago

Home must be everyone’s safest place because this is where a person spends most of their time. Besides being safe, it has to be comfortable and full of positivity to bring joy to everyone. However, families are just like most things in life. There will be flaws and misunderstandings may Read more...

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

2509 day ago

Cinco de Mayo is known as one of the holiday’s that represents Mexican pride because of its rich history. On this day, Mexican citizens honor the triumph of the Mexican Army who fought against the French army in the Battle of Puebla on the 5th of May 1862. The date Read more...

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day Traditions Around the Globe

2516 day ago

You can already see sons, daughters, and fathers shopping for Mother’s Day gifts. Since this occasion became a national holiday a century ago, moms have started receiving a lot of flowers, cards, and chocolates every second Sunday of May every year. In fact, Mother’s Day is not so strange in Read more...

Happy Child

Raising Happier Children

2532 day ago

We all want the best for our children – to grow up giving and receiving love, following their dreams, and fulfilling their achievements. Basically, we just want our little ones to be happy as they grow, but how much can we even attempt to control this? Promoting a happy and Read more...

Tipsy Teen

How to Avoid Alcohol Problems in Teens

2536 day ago

Raising adolescents is one of the most fulfilling experiences in parenting. This is the time when you can see your children turning into a young adult and starting to make good decisions on their own. However, there will be times when teenagers become curious and will experiment with things that Read more...

Easter Fun Facts

Fun Facts about Easter

2543 day ago

Every year, people around the globe gather to celebrate Easter. For those of us who pay more attention to religious holidays, Easter is a highly significant day since it is the time to remember the resurrection of their savior. For others, this can be simply a time to hunt for Read more...

Easter Traditions

Easter Traditions around the Globe

2550 day ago

Easter is almost upon us and it feels like 2018 is just breezing through, didn’t we just celebrate Christmas a few months back? With just a few weeks until Easter Sunday, our little ones are obviously excited about this and reminding us that Easter is here. In the USA, Easter Read more...

Easter Eggs

Easter Traditions for Families

2559 day ago

If you take a second to think about your childhood, you will notice that some  of your favorite memories are family traditions. Easter traditions can be one of the best and most special childhood memories. Aside from the biggest holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Easter can also be one of Read more...


Daylight Saving Time Tips for Bedtime

2567 day ago

If you take a look at your calendar, some of you would be surprised when you realize that daylight saving time is just around the corner; in fact, it’s only a matter of days before that time of the year. Daylight saving time means that everyone will be setting their Read more...

Boy Using the Computer

Ways to Protect Your Child from Cyber-Bullying

2571 day ago

With children spending more time online, the rates of cyber bullying continue to increase; in fact, 60% of children have experienced various forms of cyber-bullying, and one out of three teens have faced cyber threats. Unfortunately, 90% of these cyber bullying victims have not informed their parents or other trusted Read more...

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