2361 day ago
As parents, one of the biggest problems you face is your child’s lack of motivation to study. This isn’t even your fault since studying can get a bit boring even for adults. Your little ones can look forward to learning as long as it is fun and the key to Read more...
2368 day ago
We all know that having an active lifestyle should be one of the things we should prioritize. This will keep everyone in the family healthy. However, staying healthy and physically active can be difficult at times. This is especially true with children since it gets more challenging once they go Read more...
2374 day ago
When most people find out that they’re going to be parents, they become extremely happy thinking about having a child in their arms. Usually, it becomes difficult to even imagine that they will eventually grow into adults with their own minds. However, these little ones will eventually grow and it Read more...
2381 day ago
For a lot of children, going to school for the very first time is a big deal. Some may be excited – something most parents commonly expect; however, others may start with tears or a stomach ache. Keep in mind that they aren’t faking these just so they can miss Read more...
2388 day ago
Most people think, Labor Day is just another day off from school and work since people have forgotten the true meaning behind this day. For many, it’s nothing more than an excuse to gather family and friends to spend one last day of summer. However, the holiday dates back centuries Read more...
2396 day ago
Obesity refers to having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not all about one’s looks because it increases the risks of acquiring other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When children are obese they have higher chances of acquiring more health problems Read more...
2403 day ago
There are some occasions when we feel down and sad– these may be the times when things don’t go our way. We lose someone close to us, or we get hurt. Just like us, children also experience down turns. However, some people do not only feel sad; they also feel as Read more...
2409 day ago
Today, the world is so fast-paced that we easily miss the things that are going on around us. Most of us are too caught up in different things to notice what’s happening around us. Some of us distracted by things that happened yesterday, while others are worried about what will Read more...
2416 day ago
There is always a reason behind the way children behave. The best way to deal with this is through positive parenting. Address these reasons instead of punishing the behaviour since it will just make things worse and will not solve the problem. A common reason behind misbehaviour is development. For Read more...
2424 day ago
Competence is a main tool that helps us achieve our goals. Competence is what lets a person stay on track and know how to respond accordingly in situations. Competent people are able to overcome internal and external obstacles that may hinder them from accomplishing their goals. Competence helps children stay Read more...