1472 day ago
Fear is a classic piece of adolescence; troublesome is figuring out how to oversee them. Typically youths are unfortunate of whimsical things, as monsters. Children usually are more intelligent than what grown-ups give them credit to. It’s clear to expect youths usually back because of various display unfortunate conduct Read more...
1482 day ago
We all know that having an active lifestyle should be one of the things we should prioritize. This will keep everyone in the family healthy. However, staying healthy and physically active can be difficult at times. This is especially true with children since it gets more challenging once they go Read more...
1508 day ago
The season of holiday gifting is around the corner. During this time of the year, children make their wish lists — which, in most cases, include trending gadgets and toys — and parents do their best to fulfil their kids’ wishes. The problem is that like most devices today, kids’ Read more...
1520 day ago
Some people believe that Halloween is the spookiest night every year. It is supposed to be the time when spirits can freely wander the Earth. Others think it is a chance for children to meet new people and wander the neighbourhood unattended for trick-or-treating. While a lot of people look Read more...
1531 day ago
When most people find out that they’re going to be parents, they become extremely happy thinking about having a child in their arms. Usually, it becomes difficult to even imagine that they will eventually grow into adults with their own minds. However, these little ones will eventually grow and it Read more...
1545 day ago
For many children, going to school for the very first time is a big deal. Some may be excited – something most parents commonly expect. However, others may start with tears or a stomach ache. Keep in mind that they aren’t faking these just so they can miss school. Anxiety Read more...
1566 day ago
There are some occasions when we feel down and sad– these may be the times when things don’t go our way. We lose someone close to us, or we get hurt. Just like us, children also experience down turns. However, some people do not only feel sad; they also Read more...
1584 day ago
Today, the world is so fast-paced that we easily miss the things that are going on around us. Most of us are too engaged in different things to notice what’s happening around us. Some of us are distracted by things that happened yesterday, while others are worried about what will Read more...
1619 day ago
There are always reasons behind the way children behave. The best way to deal with this is through positive parenting. Addressing the reasons why a child is crying instead of punishing the behaviour is proper parenting. Keep in mind that punishing misbehaviour will just make things worse and will not Read more...
1630 day ago
You probably remember how amazing it was playing outdoors as a child: you had unhindered bliss and felt like there was an endless amount of time for exploring the outdoors. We all had many adventures as a child. The thing is, you probably got yourself in a lot of trouble Read more...