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How Playing Video Games can be Beneficial for your Child

1029 day ago

Like most parents, you are aware of the reasons why children should not play video games. A lot of parents usually focus on the potential dangers than the benefits of playing video games.  However, research suggests that children should play video games since these also have benefits. This is true Read more...

Here is How To ­­­­­­Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

1043 day ago

Cinco de Mayo is known as one of the holiday’s that represents Mexican pride because of its rich history. On this day, Mexican citizens honor the triumph of the Mexican Army who fought against the French army in the Battle of Puebla on the 5th of May 1862. The date Read more...

Video Games can Also Be Beneficial for your Child ?

1050 day ago

Like most parents, you are aware of the reasons why children should not play video games. Many parents focus on the potential dangers of playing video games.  However, research suggests that children should play video games because they also have benefits. This is true if your carefully select games for Read more...

Mother’s Day Traditions Here and Around the Globe

1054 day ago

This year, Mother’s Day in the US and in other several countries will be celebrated on the 8 of May, while other countries celebrate this on a different day. If you’re wondering how other places celebrate this occasion, let’s see how people around the globe celebrate Mother’s Day: You can Read more...

Children And Self-Care Routines

1061 day ago

Teaching self-care routines is highly beneficial not only for your little ones, but also for you. It makes your children more independent, it saves your time since they can start doing some things on their own. Aside from that, it makes them feel more confident about themselves and that means Read more...

Some Fun Facts about Easter

1073 day ago

Every year, people around the globe gather to celebrate Easter. For those of us who pay more attention to religious holidays, Easter is a highly significant day since it is the time to remember the resurrection of their savior. It does not matter how you do it since all cultures Read more...

Some Easter Traditions for Families

1084 day ago

If you take a second to think about your childhood, you will notice that some of your favorite memories are family traditions. Easter traditions can be one of the best and most special childhood memories. Easter can also be one of the best and most special moments to spend quality Read more...

Some Daylight-Saving Time Tips for Bedtime

1091 day ago

The practice of daylight saving began around a hundred years ago in 1918 and all states except Arizona and Hawaii observe this.   Are you ready for daylight saving time? Here are some helpful tips to make shifting your children’s sleeping schedules a smooth process.           Read more...

How To Best Help Children with Self-Care Routines

1098 day ago

Teaching self-care routines is highly beneficial not only for your little ones, but also for you. It makes your children more independent, it saves your time since they can start doing some things on their own. Aside from that, it makes them feel more confident about themselves and that means Read more...

Breaking Children’s Bad Habits

1106 day ago

Do your little ones bite their nails, suck their thumbs, bang their heads on things, or pull their hair often? Children that usually have these habits and behavior can be a big problem. When parents try to change these unwanted habits, they take the wrong approach which is why nothing Read more...

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